
The self in time: developmental perspectives

edited by Chris Moore, Karen Lemmon. - New Jersey: Lawrence Eribaum Associates, Inc., 2001. - 268 p.
This convergence of a variety of research interests around the notion of the temporally extended self called out for an attempt at integration, and so, in 1997, we organized a symposium at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Washington, DC. This volume is an expanded version of that symposium.


Preface vii

1 The Nature and Utility of the Temporally Extended Self 1

Chris Moore and Karen Lemmon

2 Language and the Self: Erom the "Experiencing I" to the "Continuing Me" 15

Katherine Nelson

3 Owning Experience: Developing Subjective Perspective in Autobiographical Narratives 35

Robyn Fivush

4 The Anticipated Self: Mother-Child Talk About Future Events 53

Judith A. Hudson

5 The Self: Elevated in Consciousness and Extended in Time 75

Daniel J. Povinelli

6 Personalizing the Temporally Extended Self: Evaluative Self-Awareness and the Development of Autobiographical

Memory 97

Melissa Welch-Ross

7 Planning in 3-Year-Olds: A Reflection of the Future Self? 121

Cristina M. Atance and Daniela K. O’Neill

8 Extending Self-Consciousness Into the Future 141

John Barresi

9 Binding the Self in Time 163

Karen Lemmon and Chris Moore

10 Episodic Memory: Essential Distinctions and Developmental Implications 181

Josef Perner

11 The Child in Time: Temporal Concepts and Self- Consciousness in the Development of Episodic Memory 203

Teresa McCormack and Christoph Hoerl

12 Levels of Consciousness of the Self in Time 229

Philip David Zelazo and Jessica A. Sommerville

Author Index 253

Subject Index 261

Contributors 267


As the chapters in this volume will attest, there are a variety of routes to an interest in the idea of the self in time. We first became interested in the topic in considering the function of theory of mind. Having a theory of mind had always been supposed to be useful in the organization of social behavior. However, it also seemed to us to be an essential component of the organization of one’s own future behavior. In other words, to show adaptive future behavior, the child must come to grips with the idea that his or her own immediate mental states are connected to his or her own future mental states. Meanwhile, in the memory literature, research on episodic and autobiographical memory seemed to require the notion of an extended self. In particular, the developmentalists working on early memory were forced to tackle head on the relations between autobiographical memory and self-development. And then there were those with perhaps a more direct interest in self-development faced with the idea that mirror self-recognition did not seem to capture all that was entailed by having an understanding of self. This convergence of a variety of research interests around the notion of the temporally extended self called out for an attempt at integration, and so, in 1997, we organized a symposium at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Washington, DC. This volume is an expanded version of that symposium. We are grateful to Judi Amsel for her faith in the project and for her encouragement. Judi was a great ally for developmental psychology during her time with Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. We are also most grateful to Bonita D’Amil and Sarah Wahlert of Lawrence Erlbaum Associates for their excellent editorial work.

- Chris Moore

- Karen Lemmon

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