Рекомендуемый список книг по психологии для прочтения (англ.) [The ultimate psychology reading list]

Since 2008, The Psychologist has been asking people in its 'One on One' section for 'One book or journal article that all psychologists should read'. Here we collect their answers. 

Every month since January 2008 The Psychologist has featured a One-On-One interview page in which leading psychologists are asked, among other things, to name one book or journal article, either contemporary or historical, that all psychologists should read. Here's a handy link-filled list of the answers so far (please use comments to mention any must-read books or articles you think they missed). Also, note that not all respondents answered the 'One book / journal article' question: you can search for all of our 'One on One' pieces on the site. 

Среди интересных или полезных для специалистов по детской психологии и педагогики ответов можно отметить следующие:

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Источник: The Psychologist